Visual Artists: Alina Ușurelu, Hermina Stănciulescu, Lavinia Pollak, Sabina Suru
Choreographer: Andreea Novac, Ioana Marchidan, Simona Deaconescu
Graphic Design: Andreea Mihaiu (Grapho_Mat)
The book Exposing Movement was published in 500 copies, in the Romanian version. The public reacted very well, and the copies were exhausted within 6 months. We have found that there is an international public for such a publication, so we intend to enrich it theoretically and visually, to translate it into English and to attach a performative game to it - for photographers, dancers, choreographers and performers -, using the practices explored in the project as a starting point to its design.
Emerged from the desire of a group of visual artists to explore new forms of expression through technical means from the 19th and 20th centuries, the project Exposing Movement brought together a mixed team of artists who explored analogue photography techniques in connection to body movement and intervention techniques.
From the controlled space of the studio, to different locations throughout Bucharest - streets, buildings, even Văcărești delta -, the four photographer-alchemists and the three choreographer-illusionists brought new elements into the photographic composition, intervening even during the development of the image on paper.
Its structure is adaptable to the location, focusing on object-photography and an installation based approach.
Is the result of all the notes, sketches and texts gathered during the research lab, structured on themes and presented as a practice guide for future explorers.
Sharing practices
Is centered on black and white analogue photography, experimenting with different types of exposure (short, long and multiple) in relation to movement. Also, we experiment with ways of intervention over the photographs during the analogue printing process.
They are grounded on the theme photographer-performer relationship and the techniques that can be used during the creative process.
Sharing practices @ Centrul Național al Dansului
Theoretical conferences: @Centrul de Excelență în Studiul Imaginii @Universitatea Națională de Arte București @F64
Interactive exhibitions: over 100 learned how to develop a print
Exhibition @ Gallery
Exhibition @ Palatul Universul (Apollo 111, MEZANIN,
Exhibition @ Fabrica de Pensule / Galeria Pilot / LINOTIP)
Book launch @ Librăria Kyralina
Exhibition and Sharing Practices @ F64
Exhibition @ NAG (Noaptea Albă a Galeriilor)
Exhibition @ Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană
Dedicated articles: @Revista Arta @CultArtes @Sub25
Radio interviews and TV appearances: @Radio România Cultural @Radio 7 @Radio France International @TVR1 @PROTV @DIGI24